Open Decks

Codecks allows you to share the contents of any of your projects publicly on the web. Visitors are be able to navigate to your public URL and see all the project cards and their contents. You can even choose to allow your visitors to upvote their favorite cards. Don’t worry: your visitors won’t be able to change the card content or card properties themselves.

If you want to share only some cards, but not all the cards in your project, we recommend creating two separate projects inside your organization. One for the cards that you want to share and one for the cards that you want to keep private.

Sharing your project

To share your project go into the project settings of the project that you want to share. To access the project settings open the mission control by clicking on the joystick icon 🕹️ in the top left corner. In the sidebar hover over the project that you want to share and click on the cogwheel icon ⚙.

You will see a settings section called Make Project Public. Enable the toggle switch to enable sharing. Make sure to choose an URL name for your project in the text field. You can see a preview of the full URL underneath the text field.

You may even share multiple projects to different URLs.

Setting up your Open Decks page

Open Deck Communities

Visitors to your Open Decks can join your community by clicking the button in the top right. To do so they can either use their existing Codecks user account or quickly sign up using their email or Discord login to create a visitor profile.

Joining your Codecks community

Joining your community will allow them to upvote individual cards (if you enabled upvoting). Community members may also choose to receive email updates about your project by clicking Get notified of updates in the right top corner. In that case they will be able to choose between daily or weekly updates.

Upvote Stats

This view can be reached from the hand dashboard and shows your latest upvotes, including those from your Open Decks, your Discord community and also your own team. It also shows you how many guests are visiting your public Open Decks web site. You may also receive this information as a weekly email report by enabling the Receive weekly report per mail toggle.

Visitor Statistics for your Open Decks

The website features an overview of some of the shared projects. It is a great way for discovering cool projects that are already using the Open Decks feature and to get inspired by how other devs are using Codecks. If you like to be listed on that page and receive potential social media shout-outs by us, enable the toggle for allowing us to feature you.

To make your project stand out on the Open Decks gallery, make sure to upload a custom promo image. This image will only be used on the gallery page. If you provide no image, we’ll try to be smart and select the image of your first cover image.

See other projects using Codecks

Information for your audience

Make sure to provide some initial information about your project to your guests. The chosen display name of your project will be shown in the top left corner of your public page. The banner image will be shown in the center. You may also provide a message to your audience that will be shown front and center of your public page.

You may also choose to allow your users to see the comments on each shared card. Enabling this still won’t allow them to write comments themselves.

Information for your Codecks community

Customizing the Card Order

When users visit your page, they’ll see all the decks contained in the public project. If they open a deck they’ll see all the contained cards. We recommend setting a default card order for your public shared decks.

To set the default card order visit the deck in the Codecks app and open the ordering options in the left sidebar. Select the order option that you want to use and click on the star icon ⭐ at the top “Ordering” sidebar. Doing so will make this the sort order which guests will see when they visit your public deck.

Setting a custom sort order for your Codecks deck

They may still choose to change this default order to something else. To return to the default presentation order they just have to click on the reset to default order icon that appears on the deck header.

For cards that require a specific order, you can also choose the manual sort option and manually arrange the order by drag’n’dropping cards into the right positions.

Quick URLs

If you have enabled sharing your project, you’ll notice globe icons 🌍 appear in various places around your shared deck. These are quick links for jumping to the public page of that specific content. You’ll notice these..

  • next to your project in the mission control sidebar
  • on the deck header of each public deck
  • on the top of each card that is inside a public deck

Clicking on the project or deck quick links will open the public URL for that context. Clicking on the globe icon on a card will copy the URL to your clipboard. These are great for sharing links to specific content with your audience.

Quickly get the URL to your open deck